For fashionistas on a budget, counterfeit designer purses provide a way to acquire the sought-after appearance of high-end names such as Chanel at a portion of the price. The knockoff purse market has boomed in current decades as producers use sophisticated techniques to manufacture some amazingly accurate knockoffs. One of the most extremely regarded fake makers is Fly Kick, renowned for their perfect identical knockoffs.

What Are Fake Handbags?
Fake bags are unlicensed copies of genuine high-end bags and accessories...

Are Fakes Legitimate?
In most territories, including the United States, it is unlawful to make or purchase counterfeit trademarked goods...

Fake Grade Levels
Not all knockoff purses are created equal. Based on their caliber and accuracy, they generally fall into one of the following levels...

Elite suppliers including Ace Replicas focus on making top-tier/1:1 tier fakes that are practically indistinguishable from the genuine products.

Verifying Replicas
Since flawless replicas exist, optical identification is becoming more difficult even for experts...

The Massive Fake Debate
Advocates of fakes contend they offer an affordable luxury option and don't directly compete with sales of the genuine thing. Opponents denounce them as mental asset pillage that devalues names' rarity. Both parties are resolutely dug in on the ethics of the replica trade. For now, demand from replica manufacturers such as Ace Replicas displays no evidence of abating.